If you’re here, I’m glad, because I think it was meant to be. Even if just for a brief hello where you wave, I wave, and I get the chance to say that I think you’re awesome. Writing a book is hard. Promoting a book is hard. Asking others to promote your book is hard.
And yet, you’re doing it.
I’ve written one full book in my life, and you know what? Even though I loved it, I realized that, even more so, I love applying my skills to other people’s books. Because it’s something I’m good at. Diving into character motivations, relationships, and backstories, analyzing plot points, pacing, and stakes, and creating avenues to promote people’s hard-worked-for books so that others can enjoy them…
Those are the things that get me excited.
One of the best aspects of my psychology studies was analyzing and understanding what makes humans human. What makes us authentic? What makes others like us? What makes a person do evil things? What makes a person sacrifice everything for another? And what makes real-life humans stop everything to engage with another person’s creativity, let alone become a fervent fan?
That’s what I bring to the table when I edit an author’s book.
The passion to help bring those complex characters, plot points, and communications to a level where readers can’t resist staying up all night to see what happens.
Similarly, it’s what I bring to publicity.
Along with my psychology degree and internships working with and studying human nature via cultures overseas, stable and high-risk teens, and children in nature & survival settings, I’ve simultaneously spent the past 4 years interning as an editorial, social media, and publicity assistant at an editing and marketing agency.
I still work for them, but now I have my own practice, too.
So, like I said - I’m glad you’re here. Whether you’re looking for something specific, or you’re just wanting to say hi, feel free to reach out.
Either way, I’m wishing you every good thing for your writing, your book, and your career.
I’ll be rooting for you.
- Rilian